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The Overall Cost of Pet Care

Did you know that yearly expenses for a pet can cost from $200-2,000 and sometimes more, according to the ASPCA?  Welcoming a pet into your home has an impact on your finances.
By MSA Staff

Did you know that yearly expenses for a pet can cost from $200-2,000 and sometimes more, according to the ASPCA?  Welcoming a pet into your home has an impact on your finances.  The following table, presented by the ASPCA, calculates the probable costs for common pets per year:

1. Premium brand dry kibble
2. Exam, vaccinations, heartworm preventative & topical flea/tick preventative
3. Scoopable litter for cats, scooped daily; hardwood shavings or recycled paper products for rabbits, guinea pigs and small mammals, changed at least weekly
4. Insurance coverage varies: some policies cover spray/neuter, vaccinations and heartworm medication.  The annual deductible will also vary depending on the policy.
5. Deworming, basic blood tests & microchip
6. Basic twenty gallon set up with light/hood, outside filter, under-gravel filters, air pump and gravel.  Does not include fish.

As you can see, these costs can make a dent in your monthly and yearly finances. Don’t let the stress of your finances keep you from providing the best care for your pet(s).  Call 888-724-2326 and talk to a Money Coach about how to fit pet care into your monthly expenses.

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